Sunday, September 21, 2008

Church Attendance UP! Where'd That Come From?

I have to admit, I'm utterly awed by the presence of the Holy Spirit in our Sunday worship.  It is awesome!  With that said, since I started as pastor at Midway UMC in early June, Sunday worship attendance is up 100%!  To what do we attribute this rising level of attendance?  The answer is simple...those who attend say to others, "come to church".   And when they come, they stick.  The presence of the Holy Spirit is strong in our worship time.  The membership is so wanting to be led in The Spirit, and God doesn't fail those who truly seek Him.  

This is a primarily mature congregation, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, their children and grandchildren come to appease their elders, and find something for them in the process.  We're far from first class in our worship chaple...but have a first class fellowship hall.  In there is bonding...but in church, is development.  It is apparent in the eyes of those who come to worship on Sunday morning.  I would ask fellow you see their eyes?  Do you see their emotions raging through your message?  Do you see them wanting to know Christ as never before?  If not, what are you doing about it?  What are you doing that will change the relationship of every individual with the risen Christ?  I am preaching...but there is something else at work.  Do we see that "something else"?  I pray the the Holy Spirit comes into each and every congregation where The Word is truly spoken.  I'm not there yet...but they struggle with me to find it.

I don't know what to make of the surge in attendance, but I stand in awe of Our Lord. We're a body of believers...and that in and of an awesome testimony.

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