Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The 'Puter Ate My Sermon!

Tropical storm Fay rained down upon our rural area all day and night this previous Saturday. I had worked up most of the text for Sunday's sermon and had only the finishing touches to put on it prior to heading to church Sunday morning. The storm knocked out the electricity at our home and much of the surrounding area overnight Saturday. I got up in the dark and tried my best to find clothes that didn't need ironing. With no water (we have a well), no lights or electricity, I headed to the door. My sermon was stuck inside my PC and I couldn't print it out.

When I got to church some had said they saw me drive by earlier. Yep, I headed uptown to get a sausage biscuit as we couldn't cook anything at home that morning. I told those gathered about our dilemma and went on to say that I couldn't print out my sermon due to no electricity. I was assured that the sermon would be just what The Lord wants to be said.

Sure enough, to my amazement, the sermon was just what we needed to hear. The Lord spoke things through the scripture that I had not planned and I was as inspired as the congregation. After church a small group came to me and said that I should let my computer eat my sermon every Sunday! I don't know if I'm going to follow that advice but I'll certainly be more willing to let the Holy Spirit guide the message more than me.

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